GDPR pod kontrolou
Pravidelná podpora a aktualizácia
Úspora času a vzdelanie pracovníkov
Automatizácia a organizácia procesov
Updating the GDPR documentation is essential. Companies and entities that process personal data undergo development and changes, change employees, suppliers, work organization, structure... Also legislation keeps changing and developing. The fact that you fulfilled the obligations arising from the GDPR and other legal regulations in the past or with the preparation of documentation does not mean that you are compliant with your obligations today.
Personal data protection must therefore be updated. The updates concern the documentation for the protection of personal data, as well as the processes set up under the GDPR. In securion., we offer the GDPR update services that include:
Deal with personal data protection and update your GDPR documentation, processes and achieve GDPR compliance.
Sanctions, new recommendations and possibilities for solving situations are increasing. Are you responding to these developments and taking actions?
Sanctions, new recommendations and possibilities for solving situations are increasing. Are you responding to these developments and taking actions?
New employees, new suppliers, new software or applications. They also need to be taken into account in the personal data protection documentation.
New employees, new suppliers, new software or applications. They also need to be taken into account in the personal data protection documentation.
You take measures that are appropriate given the development of technology. Do you take into account all the options available, for example with respect to identification or security?
You take measures that are appropriate given the development of technology. Do you take into account all the options available, for example with respect to identification or security?
We will be happy to answer all your questions by e-mail, phone or in person.
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