
Legal services

We provide legal services in close cooperation with corporate lawyers, law firms and attorneys-at-law with a wide range of specializations. We will provide you with legal services from attorneys-at-law who are most suitable for you.


GDPR pod kontrolou


Pravidelná podpora a aktualizácia


Úspora času a vzdelanie pracovníkov


Automatizácia a organizácia procesov

Each area of law has its own specifics - make sure you work with a specialist in the respective area.

Viac informácií

We cooperate with corporate lawyers, law firms and attorneys-at-law. Regarding personal data protection agenda, it is necessary and inevitable.

As part of the cooperation, we have several partners from law firms and attorneys-at-law, as well as a cooperating attorney-at-law in our internal team.


references from our clients

Satisfied clients in the area of personal data protection

All projects

do you need advice?

We help companies fulfil their legislative obligations.

We will be happy to answer all your questions by e-mail, phone or in person.

    Vaše osobné údaje spracúvame za účelom vybavenia dopytu. Viac sa dočítate v sekcii Privacy Policy.

    do you need advice on other services?

    Within security, we also deal with other areas. We will advise you.