
Trainings on personal data and the GDPR

Trainings, workshops and other educational activities in your company in the area of personal data protection are necessary. Raising awareness of the GDPR is always perceived positively by the supervisory authority, for example during an inspection.


GDPR pod kontrolou


Pravidelná podpora a aktualizácia


Úspora času a vzdelanie pracovníkov


Automatizácia a organizácia procesov

Get a competitive advantage thanks to an active approach to personal data protection.

Viac informácií

Addressability of trainings and workshops is necessary. For us, the GDPR training is not just a mandatory requirement. That is why we model educational events on personal data protection according to the level of needs of the listeners and our clients. On trainings, we connect theory with practice.

We show specific situations. We present examples of how to deal with individual questions in the personal data protection. Trainings and professional preparation of employees are a necessity today. The Office for Personal Data Protection also perceives them in a positive way.

Trainings or other events where authorized persons and employees get informed, are important. The one who processes personal data has an obligation to instruct and authorize its employees.

Trainings or other events where authorized persons and employees get informed, are important. The one who processes personal data has an obligation to instruct and authorize its employees.

In the environment of municipalities, cities, self-governing regions and other public administration entities, personal data are processed on a large scale. We train practically and purposefully.

In the environment of municipalities, cities, self-governing regions and other public administration entities, personal data are processed on a large scale. We train practically and purposefully.

We also prepare other events through which we pass on our know-how and we do it according to the needs and purpose of the event. We will prepare a program according to what you really need.

We also prepare other events through which we pass on our know-how and we do it according to the needs and purpose of the event. We will prepare a program according to what you really need.

references from our clients

Satisfied clients in the area of personal data protection

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do you need advice?

We help companies fulfil their legislative obligations.

We will be happy to answer all your questions by e-mail, phone or in person.

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    do you need advice on other services?

    Within security, we also deal with other areas. We will advise you.