

Cookies are currently used by almost every website. In most cases, the cookie “bar” or “cookies policy“ is only formal. How to comply with the legislation and how to prepare for the upcoming ePrivacy regulation?


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Essential, analytical and marketing. These are the most common cookies that websites and applications collect. Solving cookies requires knowledge of the technical perspective, marketing in the online environment and legislation. Legislation is regulated by ePrivacy or the Electronic Communications Act.

In cooperation with digital agency upvision., we deal with cookies comprehensively.

It is also necessary to take into account the upcoming new ePrivacy regulation and the current practice, which is based on the decisions of the EU Court of Justice and the recommendations of authorities such as the ICO.


At the beginning, it is necessary to identify the use of cookies. Addressing the types of cookies and their use by the website is the basis for compliance with legislation.

At the beginning, it is necessary to identify the use of cookies. Addressing the types of cookies and their use by the website is the basis for compliance with legislation.

With the setting of cookies, it is also necessary to respond to business and marketing activities. Do you use Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel or other tools for recording cookies?

With the setting of cookies, it is also necessary to respond to business and marketing activities. Do you use Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel or other tools for recording cookies?

The use of cookies in cooperation with the marketing agency and programmers, including a legal assessment, is essential. Do you need advice?

The use of cookies in cooperation with the marketing agency and programmers, including a legal assessment, is essential. Do you need advice?

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do you need advice?

We help companies fulfil their legislative obligations.

We will be happy to answer all your questions by e-mail, phone or in person.

    Vaše osobné údaje spracúvame za účelom vybavenia dopytu. Viac sa dočítate v sekcii Privacy Policy.

    do you need advice on other services?

    Within security, we also deal with other areas. We will advise you.